Work from Home Self Audit Template


Do you have a remote or hybrid workforce where some or all of your staff work from home, either permanently or some days of the week? Do you know whether their workplace is secure and confidential or whether they have an ergonomic workspace? If the answer is no, you need our Work from Home Self-Audit Template.

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Do you have a remote or hybrid workforce where some or all of your staff work from home, either permanently or some days of the week? Do you know whether their workplace is secure and confidential or whether they have an ergonomic workspace? If the answer is no, you need our Work from Home Self-Audit Template.

Do you have a remote or hybrid workforce where some or all of your staff work from home, either permanently or some days of the week? Do you know whether their workplace is secure and confidential or whether they have an ergonomic workspace? If the answer is no, you need our Work from Home Self-Audit Template.

About the Work from Home Self Audit Template

The Work from Home Self Audit Template is a self-audit for work from home employees to make sure they have the correct set up, are observing work health and safety requirements and are aware of the correct way to set up an ergonomic workplace.  

How to use this template:
This template is a general template drafted for Australian Laws and can be used in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory.

Save a master copy and distribute to each employee who works from home annually to keep a record of their workspace.

Employees must complete the details in red and complete the form.

You have a limited licence to use the Work from Home Self Audit template within your business, but we ask that you do not share beyond your business to respect the copyright we own in the process and report template at ready to Boss Legal.

If you need further assistance

If you have questions, please get in touch with us via


Ready to Boss Legal is a legal publisher. We are not a law firm and you acknowledge that by purchasing, downloading and customising this template, Ready to Boss Legal is not acting as your lawyer or providing you with legal advice.

This template is legal information only and should not substitute for or constitute professional legal advice. We recommend you consult with a lawyer for legal advice, noting Ready to Boss Legal is a legal publisher and not a law firm.

All copyright in this document belongs exclusively to Ready to Boss Legal. We grant you a one use non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable license to use this document for the purposes of using it in your business or for personal use. However, this document may not be copied, given to a third party, re-sold, reproduced, transmitted electronically or otherwise used in any way in whole or in part for the purpose of commercial gain by you for any purpose that may amount to competition with Ready to Boss Legal.

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