Work from home agreement template
Do you let your employees work from home? Have you documented their agreement with you to work from home?
The Work from Home Agreement is a template agreement customised to document the agreement when an employer allows an employee to work from home. Whether it is a temporary arrangement during a lockdown or a permanent/semi-regular work-from-home arrangement, you need the work-from-home agreement.
Do you let your employees work from home? Have you documented their agreement with you to work from home?
The Work from Home Agreement is a template agreement customised to document the agreement when an employer allows an employee to work from home. Whether it is a temporary arrangement during a lockdown or a permanent/semi-regular work-from-home arrangement, you need the work-from-home agreement.
Do you let your employees work from home? Have you documented their agreement with you to work from home?
The Work from Home Agreement is a template agreement customised to document the agreement when an employer allows an employee to work from home. Whether it is a temporary arrangement during a lockdown or a permanent/semi-regular work-from-home arrangement, you need the work-from-home agreement.
The work from home agreement covers:
the address that the work from home arrangements will take place from;
and documents details of the work from home arrangements;
considers the hours the employee will work;
sets out remote communication procedures to make sure both the boss and the employee know how to communicate with each other;
any trial work from home periods to make sure the arrangement suits everyone;
whether the boss will provide the work from home equipment
how the data security will be managed - will things like secure wi fi and two factor login identification be required;
whether the employee will be able to take care of children or dependents during the agreed work hours;
work health and safety issues relating to the home workspace;
the expenses the employee is entitled to claim (or not claim) and how reimbursement will be processed; and
how the work from home agreement can be changed or ended.
Insert all details in the customisable Schedule of the Work from Home Agreement and (where you have an existing employment agreement) attach a copy. Where you don’t have an employment agreement you can purchase one here. The parties must then review and sign the Work from Home Agreement.
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