NDIS Full Time & Part Time Disability Support Worker Employment Agreement


Looking for other NDIS-specific templates?

Find our Casual Employee Agreement here.

Find our Support Worker Service Agreement here.

Find our Contractor/Subcontractor Agreement here.

If you employ NDIS support workers on a permanent basis, you will want this NDIS-specific employment contract template. If you are looking for a contract specifically for casual employees, you’ll need this template instead.

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Looking for other NDIS-specific templates?

Find our Casual Employee Agreement here.

Find our Support Worker Service Agreement here.

Find our Contractor/Subcontractor Agreement here.

If you employ NDIS support workers on a permanent basis, you will want this NDIS-specific employment contract template. If you are looking for a contract specifically for casual employees, you’ll need this template instead.

Looking for other NDIS-specific templates?

Find our Casual Employee Agreement here.

Find our Support Worker Service Agreement here.

Find our Contractor/Subcontractor Agreement here.

If you employ NDIS support workers on a permanent basis, you will want this NDIS-specific employment contract template. If you are looking for a contract specifically for casual employees, you’ll need this template instead.

The NDIS permanent employee agreement template is a template-employment agreement for employers of permanent full time or part time support workers.

  • This Template is a general template drafted for Australian laws.

  • You are required to enter in all details of the agreement including scope of services, fees, payment terms and governing law. You are prompted to do this where the text is red in the agreement.

  • The permanent employee agreement contains clauses that speak to the unique needs of the support worker-client relationship which set out:

  1. the general terms such as salary, work hours and expectations of the support worker

  2. the equipment to be provided by the employer and the equipment to be provided by the employee;

  3. what the support worker is permitted to do

  4. what is excluded from the support service

  5. details of the records the employee must keep of hours and clients visits

  6. reference/s to the NDIS code of conduct

  7. protection where the employee is required to access your IT systems and use passwords or access confidential information

  8. rules about poaching clients

  9. how either the employer or the employee can end the employment agreement

…and more!

What happens when you purchase our NDIS Full Time & Part Time Disability Support Worker Employment Agreement?

  1. You will receive a download link to an editable Microsoft Word  document (your template) immediately after purchase of the template.

  2. Download the template (your access will expire after 24 hours but once you save it on your desktop, it is yours to keep forever)

  3. Add your own logo/badge and change the font to personalise your document.

  4. Add your information where we have red text indicators and/ or guidance notes. While you can edit the contract, we suggest you don’t edit without legal advice as these templates have been drafted by an experienced lawyer.

  5. Your template can be used more than once, however you should be mindful that where a significant amount of time has passed since it was purchased or the law in that area has changed significantly, the template may not be current or up to date with the law.


In downloading the NDIS Full Time & Part Time Disability Support Worker Employment Agreement template from Ready to Boss Legal (Template), you have not asked us to provide legal advice to you.

This document contains information only, noting it was current as at the time of the date in the footer of the template document. We cannot guarantee that the law will not have changed since your purchase of the document and you are obligated to ensure that if you save and use at a later date, that the law remains current.

Ready to Boss Legal is not acting as your lawyer in providing this document to you. You do not have a solicitor/client relationship with Ready to Boss Legal unless you choose to formally engage us in writing for document preparation or to customise this document for your specific business providing legal services.

Finally, we ask that you do not share our templates as this breaches our copyright and the purpose for which this template was sold to you

Purchase the Full & Part Time Disability Support Worker Employment Agreement template
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