VA Service Agreement for NDIS Provider Business Template


Are you a VA who supports NDIS Providers? Or perhaps you are an NDIS Provider who wants to hire a VA and needs a service agreement? Either way, we have you covered with the Ready to Boss Legal VA Service Agreement for NDIS Provider Business Template.

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Are you a VA who supports NDIS Providers? Or perhaps you are an NDIS Provider who wants to hire a VA and needs a service agreement? Either way, we have you covered with the Ready to Boss Legal VA Service Agreement for NDIS Provider Business Template.

Are you a VA who supports NDIS Providers? Or perhaps you are an NDIS Provider who wants to hire a VA and needs a service agreement? Either way, we have you covered with the Ready to Boss Legal VA Service Agreement for NDIS Provider Business Template.

About the VA Service Agreement for NDIS Provider Business Template

The NDIS Specific VA Service Agreement for NDIS Provider Business is designed for the NDIS Industry in Australia (suitable for use in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory). It is suitable for both registered NDIS Providers and unregistered NDIS Providers.

The Agreement includes:

  1. A copy of the NDIS Providers Code of Conduct at Annexure A

  2. A detailed table to insert hourly rates, party details and price and payment terms;

  3. The obligations of each party;

  4. GST provisions (you can choose to charge GST or not, depending on whether the VA is registered, meaning it can be used as the businesses grow);

  5. Access to IT Systems;

  6. Use of Artificial intelligence;

  7. Confidentiality and Privacy; and

  8. how to terminate the agreement and what happens afterwards.

The VA should ensure the agreement is used prior to any work undertaken for the client, noting the NDIS Code of Conduct (found here: ) will also apply to the NDIS Provider (client) and by extension the VA as their contractor.

How to use this template:

·       requires you to complete your name, the client’s name, the scope of your VA services, your price and payment terms and complete other items where prompted by the red text throughout the document.

·       is a general template drafted for Australian laws.

If you need further assistance

If you have questions, please get in touch with us via



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