Online Program Terms and Conditions Template


Do you have an online program? Perhaps you have an online container where you host videos and have live group or one on one coaching calls too?

If you have an online program, the online program terms and conditions template is for you. Easy to use terms and conditions to get your program up and running while you protect yourself.

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Do you have an online program? Perhaps you have an online container where you host videos and have live group or one on one coaching calls too?

If you have an online program, the online program terms and conditions template is for you. Easy to use terms and conditions to get your program up and running while you protect yourself.

Do you have an online program? Perhaps you have an online container where you host videos and have live group or one on one coaching calls too?

If you have an online program, the online program terms and conditions template is for you. Easy to use terms and conditions to get your program up and running while you protect yourself.

The online program terms and conditions template contains the key things you need to make sure you and your online program are covered legally.

The online program terms and conditions template requires you to complete items including your name, your program details, the state or territory of your residence, and the outcomes you cannot guarantee.

fIt is a general template drafted for Australian laws and will be suitable for you if you want to:

  • have disclaimers in place for your use of third-party platforms like your course hosting platform or the use of third-party platforms like Facebook, Stripe, or Paypal;

  • create a contract with your program members;

  • outline what you offer in your program;

  • protect against refund requests;

  • installment plan payments;

  • protect your intellectual property to make sure copycats don’t rip off your program material;

  • cover the way the online program will be delivered and protect you if one of the platforms you deliver it on (such as Facebook) cannot be accessed by your customer;

  • limits your liability with “no guarantee” and disclaimer clauses;

  • sets out what users of your platforms can post and provides you with the discretion to discontinue a student that does not respect your terms and conditions; and

  • states where you can enforce the contract - very important if you have overseas students.

In downloading this document from The Remote Expert (Template), you have not asked us to provide legal advice to you. 

 This document contains information only. The Remote Expert is not acting as your lawyer in providing this document to you.

You do not have a solicitor/ client relationship with The Remote Expert unless you choose to formally engage us in writing for document preparation or consulting services. If you do engage us in the future, we will provide you with a costs agreement detailing the scope of services.


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