Chatbot Builder Agreement Australia


Chatbot builders are thriving in Australia, but it is more than just building a chatbot on the chosen platform. There are wireframes to be written, testing to be done and ownership of the chatbot to be assigned. Designed for both business owners and chatbot builders, the Ready to Boss Legal Chatbot Builder Agreement Template is the ideal solution for businesses partnering with chatbot builders to create custom chatbot solutions.

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Chatbot builders are thriving in Australia, but it is more than just building a chatbot on the chosen platform. There are wireframes to be written, testing to be done and ownership of the chatbot to be assigned. Designed for both business owners and chatbot builders, the Ready to Boss Legal Chatbot Builder Agreement Template is the ideal solution for businesses partnering with chatbot builders to create custom chatbot solutions.

Chatbot builders are thriving in Australia, but it is more than just building a chatbot on the chosen platform. There are wireframes to be written, testing to be done and ownership of the chatbot to be assigned. Designed for both business owners and chatbot builders, the Ready to Boss Legal Chatbot Builder Agreement Template is the ideal solution for businesses partnering with chatbot builders to create custom chatbot solutions.

About the Chatbot Builder Agreement Template

The Chatbot Builder Agreement Template is a template agreement specifically for building chatbots. It is an independent Chatbot Builder’s agreement between a business owner and a Chatbot Builder – the Chatbot Builder being the chatbot builder.

  • This Template is a general template drafted for Australian laws.

  • Note that an independent Chatbot Builder’s agreement does NOT create the same employment relationship between the parties as an employment agreement. As a result, a Chatbot Builder remains responsible for superannuation, insurance, tax and other leave entitlements and can only collect the agreed Price under the Chatbot Builder’s agreement.

  • Before using this template, we suggest you review the Australian Tax Office guidelines for an independent Chatbot Builder to ensure that your proposed contracting arrangement will not be classed as an employee and employer relationship and also consider whether the Chatbot Builder is entitled to superannuation under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth). If it is a one off engagement as a chatbot builder where the chatbot builder has their own business it is unlikely to create an employment relationship, but the guidelines should ALWAYS be reviewed and independent accounting advice obtained before you proceed.

 Instructions for use

  • Complete the Schedule and execution pages in full by inserting the details prompted by the red text throughout the document;

  • Review the document; and

  • Both parties to review, sign and date on the last page (the Execution Page).

 Key Features for Australian Businesses

  • Compliant with Australian Legal Standards: Crafted specifically for Australian businesses to meet local laws and ATO guidelines for independent contractors.

  • Protects Your Business: Clearly defines the contractor relationship, outlining responsibilities for superannuation, taxes, and insurance, ensuring you avoid employee misclassification issues.

  • Customisable for Chatbot Projects: The template includes placeholders for services, deliverables, timelines, payment terms, and intellectual property rights to suit your chatbot development needs.

  • Intellectual Property Security: This ensures that all intellectual property created during the chatbot project is assigned to your business, safeguarding your investment.

  • Simple, Ready-to-Use Format: Provided in Microsoft Word, the template is easy to customise and integrate into your business operations.


Ready to Boss Legal is a legal publisher. We are not a law firm and you acknowledge that by purchasing, downloading and customising this template, Ready to Boss Legal is not acting as your lawyer or providing you with legal advice.

This template is legal information only and should not substitute for or constitute professional legal advice. We recommend you consult with a lawyer for legal advice, noting Ready to Boss Legal is a legal publisher and not a law firm.

All copyright in this document belongs exclusively to Ready to Boss Legal. We grant you a one use non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable license to use this document for the purposes of using it in your business or for personal use. However, this document may not be copied, given to a third party, re-sold, reproduced, transmitted electronically or otherwise used in any way in whole or in part for the purpose of commercial gain by you for any purpose that may amount to competition with Ready to Boss Legal.


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