Retreat Terms and Conditions Template


Do you offer retreats or conferences as part of your business? Have you been stuck with clients who demand refunds or ask for a better room at the retreat venue? If that sounds like you, or something you would like avoid then you need the Ready to Boss Legal Retreat Terms and Conditions Template. More information below….

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Do you offer retreats or conferences as part of your business? Have you been stuck with clients who demand refunds or ask for a better room at the retreat venue? If that sounds like you, or something you would like avoid then you need the Ready to Boss Legal Retreat Terms and Conditions Template. More information below….

Do you offer retreats or conferences as part of your business? Have you been stuck with clients who demand refunds or ask for a better room at the retreat venue? If that sounds like you, or something you would like avoid then you need the Ready to Boss Legal Retreat Terms and Conditions Template. More information below….

The Retreat Terms and Conditions Template is a template terms and conditions for a business owner or event planner running a physical retreat. The retreat could be overnight or longer in duration and it could be overseas or in Australia.

It is suitable for use in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory.

This template:

  • requires you to add details where you are prompted in red text on the front page of the template (noting there is also an instruction coversheet that tells you how to complete the template). In particular you will need to complete:

    • The Retreat name;

    • The Location of the Retreat;

    • The date of the Retreat;

    • The ticket purchasing process and price;

    • Payment terms;

    • Inclusions;

    • Cancellation period; and

    • The Law of your state or territory that will apply.

  • covers ticket purchase and GST;

  • considers refunds, credits and transfers;

  • includes a covid-19 clause;

  • covers retreat cancellation, rescheduling or postponement;

  • allows the Retreat organiser to vary the location and other Retreat details (for example if you had decided to have a Retreat in Bali, but covid meant it had to be relocated to Australia for domestic travel only);

  • includes guest obligations;

  • includes releases for filming and recording, including a release to use footage or photographs;

  • contains medical disclaimers where the retreat might involve strenuous activity;

  • contains a disclaimer and limits your liability; and

  • Is a general template drafted for Australian Laws.

Implementing this document

The Retreat Terms and Conditions template should be added to your website at the time your attendees book their tickets and you take payment in full or the first payment (deposit).


In downloading this document from Ready to Boss Legal (Template) you have not asked us to provide legal advice to you. This document contains information only. Ready to Boss Legal is not acting as your lawyer in providing this document to you. You do not have a solicitor/ client relationship with Ready to Boss Legal unless you choose to formally engage Ready to Boss Legal in writing for document preparation or consulting services. If you do engage Ready to Boss Legal in the future, we will provide you with a costs agreement detailing our scope of services which you must acknowledge receipt of and accept before we are able to take your instructions.

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