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How to get the most from bringing in guest experts and speakers

How to get the most from bringing in guest experts and speakers

Guest experts are an invaluable way to add value to your event, course or program. They can supplement your own expert knowledge in areas that are valuable to your audience.

If you invite a guest expert along to provide expert knowledge for your audience or as a draw card to your event, course or program,

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Tips for how to run a retreat, workshop or VIP day with minimal stress

Tips for how to run a retreat, workshop or VIP day with minimal stress

Planning, creating and running an event like a VIP day/ Workshop or Retreat takes a considerable amount of time and energy. If you’ve run an event like this before you’ll know that almost always, there is a rush in the final days leading up to the event.  Unfinished tasks often become urgent and that is also the time where issues inconveniently present themselves. In this article we share with you our tips for how to run a retreat or a VIP day/ Workshop with minimal stress.

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How to grow your coaching business (hint: consider an assistant coach)

How to grow your coaching business (hint: consider an assistant coach)

One of the limitations that all coaches face when scaling their business is the finite number of hours they have available to actually coach. That’s why you may offer alternative services such as group coaching or perhaps even diversified into memberships, online courses and programs.

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5 tips for how to run a successful webinar (free or paid!)

5 tips for how to run a successful webinar (free or paid!)

Whether you are new to being a webinar host or have plenty of experience, there are always new developments or approaches for how to run a successful webinar. What will make your webinar successful is dependent on what your purpose and objective is, however we’re going to unpack five key elements that can make a significant impact on the success of your webinar, regardless of whether you offer it for free or for a fee, or both!

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The top 5 avoidable problems podcasters face
Speaking & Podcasting Emma Heuston Speaking & Podcasting Emma Heuston

The top 5 avoidable problems podcasters face

Whether you’re about to embark on the journey of hosting your own podcast or you already have your podcast online, it’s always easier to learn from the mistakes of others. In our work with many podcasters, we have become increasingly aware of the issues that have arisen over the course of producing shows that have created headaches for them. So much so that they have come to us to put elements in place (such as a podcast release form) to save themselves from having to manage these issues again in the future.

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Why service businesses should consider brand ambassadors and influencers to drive growth | Your Influencer Agreement Checklist

Why service businesses should consider brand ambassadors and influencers to drive growth | Your Influencer Agreement Checklist

An influencer or a brand ambassador is someone with a celebrity status. For example, an influencer might have a popular public social media profile, or be someone that has obtained a large fan-based following. Often influencers are models, actors, youtubers or reality tv stars. Because of their ability to drive sales of products through their following they have earned the title of influencer. When you think of a brand ambassador, you might picture a famous cricket player in a KFC tv ad, or a rugby player on a billboard for Gatorade.

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Monetise your podcast with sponsorships

Monetise your podcast with sponsorships

Creating your own podcast is exciting for many reasons, one of which is that a podcast can expose your business or brand to a new and varied audience. However, what many people don’t realise going into it, is how costly and time-consuming it can be. It is not only about covering production costs, but also the time involved in sourcing, booking and speaking to guests, as well as promoting and planning the content.

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Do you charge for speaking? 7 reasons why you need your own speaker contract

Do you charge for speaking? 7 reasons why you need your own speaker contract

Speaking can be a great way to boost your personal brand, reach a new audience and if you’re new to it, improve your confidence in front of a crowd. As I increase my speaking engagements and talk to other business owners who speak at various events, it is apparent that the need for an event speaker contract has been growing in importance.

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