Yoga Classes Waiver Form In Person Classes


Do you run yoga classes? Or perhaps you own a yoga studio? It is really important to make sure that when you register clients you have them sign an intake form and waiver to protect you against your yoga students making claims for injuries during or after class.

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Do you run yoga classes? Or perhaps you own a yoga studio? It is really important to make sure that when you register clients you have them sign an intake form and waiver to protect you against your yoga students making claims for injuries during or after class.

Do you run yoga classes? Or perhaps you own a yoga studio? It is really important to make sure that when you register clients you have them sign an intake form and waiver to protect you against your yoga students making claims for injuries during or after class.

About the Yoga Registration and Waiver and Release for in person classes booked online Template

The Yoga Registration and Waiver and Release for in person classes booked online Template is a template document designed to be used by Yoga teachers or business owners who operate in person Yoga classes and need a registration and waiver. It is designed to be used with online bookings so people pay and register online and just turn up to classes, already having provided details.

You need to be mindful that you make it clear you are not medically trained and ask your clients to sign this waiver.

This template:

·       requires you to complete the relevant information in red text including your business name and ABN;

·       is a general template drafted for Australian laws and is not specific to any industry or contains any specialised disclaimers.

·       Will need to be placed at the right place during your client registration process.

Please note this Yoga Registration and Waiver and Release for in person classes booked online Template is a general template only. If you have qyestuos, please get in touch with us at


Ready to Boss Legal is a legal publisher. We are not a law firm and you acknowledge that by purchasing, downloading and customising this template, Ready to Boss Legal is not acting as your lawyer or providing you with legal advice.

This template is legal information only and should not substitute for or constitute professional legal advice. We recommend you consult with a lawyer for legal advice, noting Ready to Boss Legal is a legal publisher and not a law firm.

All copyright in this document belongs exclusively to Ready to Boss Legal. We grant you a one use non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable license to use this document for the purposes of using it in your business or for personal use. However, this document may not be copied, given to a third party, re-sold, reproduced, transmitted electronically or otherwise used in any way in whole or in part for the purpose of commercial gain by you for any purpose that may amount to competition with Ready to Boss Legal.


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