Womens Circle Terms and Conditions Template


Do you run a women’s circle or share circle? They are places women can come together for support in the absence of judgment and peppered with meditation or yoga. If you are a women’s circle facilitator, then you need to think about issues like the freedom to share without reprisal, medical fitness for any physical activity like yoga or stretching, what happens if meditation dredges up some uncomfortable thoughts and more because these issues come with liability. If this sounds like you, then our Women’s Circle Terms and Conditions Template is for you. See more….

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Do you run a women’s circle or share circle? They are places women can come together for support in the absence of judgment and peppered with meditation or yoga. If you are a women’s circle facilitator, then you need to think about issues like the freedom to share without reprisal, medical fitness for any physical activity like yoga or stretching, what happens if meditation dredges up some uncomfortable thoughts and more because these issues come with liability. If this sounds like you, then our Women’s Circle Terms and Conditions Template is for you. See more….

Do you run a women’s circle or share circle? They are places women can come together for support in the absence of judgment and peppered with meditation or yoga. If you are a women’s circle facilitator, then you need to think about issues like the freedom to share without reprisal, medical fitness for any physical activity like yoga or stretching, what happens if meditation dredges up some uncomfortable thoughts and more because these issues come with liability. If this sounds like you, then our Women’s Circle Terms and Conditions Template is for you. See more….

The Women’s Circle template is a template designed specifically for Women’s Circle Faciliators (also called Share Circles).It is for use Australia wide and can be used in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.


The Women’s Circle Terms and Conditions Template contains:


·       A space to add your business name and ABN in red text;

·       A section on session participation, noting that it is important to have consent to participate and acknowledgments that the session may contain physical activity like stretching and be filmed if it is an online session;

·       A clause on permitted participants – the template provides for “women” but you can amend to other descriptions, such as “female identifying” participants;

·       The conduct that is not permitted at your circle;

·       A medical fitness acknowledgement;

·       A section about the fee and that it is non-refundable subject to Australian Consumer Law;

·       Your right to cancel the session or reschedule as a facilitator in case you are unwell or unable to run a session;

·       Permission to take photos and video for social media and promotional purposes or record where session is an online session.

·       Warranties and disclaimers and limitation of your liability as facilitator;

·       Indemnity; and

·       A governing law clause where you will need to insert your state/ territory before using.


How to use:


After purchase you will need to add the details in the document where prompted in red text, in particular:


·       the details of your business and ABN; and

·       the State/ Territory/ Country.


You will then need to have your Circle Participants agree to the terms when they register for their place and pay. The best way to do this is via on online booking platform like Acuity or Calendly (if you don’t already have a platform like Kajabi) where they can also pay when they book.


Disclaimer: In downloading this document from Ready to Boss Legal (Template), you have not asked us to provide legal advice to you.  This document contains information only. Ready to Boss Legal is not acting as your lawyer in providing this document to you. You do not have a solicitor/ client relationship with Ready to Boss Legal unless you choose to formally engage us in writing for document preparation or consulting services. If you do engage us in the future, we will provide you with a costs agreement detailing the scope of services. 

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