VIP Day and Workshop Terms and Conditions Template


Do you run workshops or VIP days? These events can be wonderful networking experiences if they are done right. But aside from the event planning side of things there are legal and operational issues you need to think about. Who owns the intellectual property in your workbook? What happens if someone wants a refund? Or perhaps you need to move the event. What happens then? Our VIP Day and Workshop Terms and Conditions Template covers these things and more.  See more….

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Do you run workshops or VIP days? These events can be wonderful networking experiences if they are done right. But aside from the event planning side of things there are legal and operational issues you need to think about. Who owns the intellectual property in your workbook? What happens if someone wants a refund? Or perhaps you need to move the event. What happens then? Our VIP Day and Workshop Terms and Conditions Template covers these things and more.  See more….

Do you run workshops or VIP days? These events can be wonderful networking experiences if they are done right. But aside from the event planning side of things there are legal and operational issues you need to think about. Who owns the intellectual property in your workbook? What happens if someone wants a refund? Or perhaps you need to move the event. What happens then? Our VIP Day and Workshop Terms and Conditions Template covers these things and more.  See more….

The VIP Day and Workshop Terms and Conditions Template is a template designed specifically for business owners who hold workshops or VIP Days. It is for use Australia wide and can be used in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.


The VIP Day and Workshop Terms and Conditions Template includes:


·        A space to add your business name and ABN;

·        Details for the event location;

·        Price details and payment terms;

·        A cancellation notice period;

·        A clause on ticket purchase and GST;

·        A section on refunds, credits and transfers;

·        A Covid clause for refunds;

·        Clauses around rescheduling or postponing the Workshop or VIP Day;

·        An intellectual property clause to protect your workshop slides or VIP Day resources;

·        A photography and videography release;

·        A disclaimer; and

·        Limitations to your liability.


How to use:


After purchase you will need to add the details in the document where prompted in red text, in particular:


·        the details of your business and ABN;

·        location of the Workshop or VIP Day;

·        The date of the Workshop or VIP Day;

·        The price of the Event;

·        Inclusions for the Event;

·        Your cancellation or notice period; and

·        the State/ Territory/ Country.


All of these items are in a summary table at the front of the terms, noting the terms can also be used on third party platforms like Event Brite or Humantix if booking is to take place online.


Disclaimer: In downloading this document from Ready to Boss Legal (Template), you have not asked us to provide legal advice to you.  This document contains information only. Ready to Boss Legal is not acting as your lawyer in providing this document to you. You do not have a solicitor/ client relationship with Ready to Boss Legal unless you choose to formally engage us in writing for document preparation or consulting services. If you do engage us in the future, we will provide you with a costs agreement detailing the scope of services.

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