Template Social Media Release and Disclaimer


Do you have a business and rely on social media content to sell your products or services. Do you collect testimonials (video or written) from clients and publish them on your socials? Then you need the social media release and disclaimer.

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Do you have a business and rely on social media content to sell your products or services. Do you collect testimonials (video or written) from clients and publish them on your socials? Then you need the social media release and disclaimer.

Do you have a business and rely on social media content to sell your products or services. Do you collect testimonials (video or written) from clients and publish them on your socials? Then you need the social media release and disclaimer.

It’s important to keep control of your posts on your business social media platforms - instagram, facebook and LinkedIn.

This short disclaimer helps by:

  • making sure you and your business have the right to use the testimonial or other content provided by your guest - think guest blogger or video guest on zoom;

  • giving you the right to edit content or display it any way you require

  • making sure your guest doesn’t try to claim money or other compensation for providing you with video or written content; and

  • waives your liability for claims against the content.



Ready to Boss Legal is a legal publisher. We are not a law firm and you acknowledge that by purchasing, downloading and customising this template, Ready to Boss Legal is not acting as your lawyer or providing you with legal advice.

 This template is legal information only and should not substitute for or constitute professional legal advice. We recommend you consult with a lawyer for legal advice, noting Ready to Boss Legal is a legal publisher and not a law firm.

 All copyright in this document belongs exclusively to Ready to Boss Legal. We grant you a one use non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable license to use this document for the purposes of using it in your business or for personal use. However, this document may not be copied, given to a third party, re-sold, reproduced, transmitted electronically or otherwise used in any way in whole or in part for the purpose of commercial gain by you for any purpose that may amount to competition with Ready to Boss Legal.

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