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Do you charge for speaking? 7 reasons why you need your own speaker contract

Do you charge for speaking? 7 reasons why you need your own speaker contract

Speaking can be a great way to boost your personal brand, reach a new audience and if you’re new to it, improve your confidence in front of a crowd. As I increase my speaking engagements and talk to other business owners who speak at various events, it is apparent that the need for an event speaker contract has been growing in importance.

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Work-from-Home Agreements for Your Employees

Work-from-Home Agreements for Your Employees

Working from home has become increasingly popular since the pandemic began with the versatility of being able to remotely have kept businesses afloat and employees in their jobs. In many ways, flexible working arrangements have been one of the great business lifeboats over the past 18 months.

But with this change comes risk. Because this way of working on a large scale is still new to us, there are many risks that people have yet to think of, especially when the arrangements are made in reaction to a snap government lockdown. A work-from-home agreement will help to cover the following risks.

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Hybrid work-from-home arrangements for employees: What employers need in a remote work agreement

Hybrid work-from-home arrangements for employees: What employers need in a remote work agreement

Having employees that work a mix of in the office and at home or from a co-working space, is more prevalent than ever since the pandemic and it has changed the way workplaces need to operate. Businesses are becoming more open to employees working outside of the office (remotely) or even working from a combination of in the office and at home each week.

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Keeping it confidential: When to use a non-disclosure agreement

Keeping it confidential: When to use a non-disclosure agreement

Non-disclosure agreements (NDA’s) are much more common than you think and asking someone to sign one is often a completely appropriate request. While very common in the United States, they are also widely used in Australia to protect confidential information owned by a person or a business.

In this article, I break down what a non-disclosure agreement is and look at common examples of where it is used. I also let you know what a mutual non-disclosure agreement is.

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How to start an online business

How to start an online business

Do you want to start a small business online? When starting an online business, you’re entering a whole new world, with a new set of rules and procedures. While you may have plenty of experience working as a business owner or employee, it’s hard to know where to start and end when it comes to setting yourself up for online success.

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Setting up a Coaching Business this year - legalities to consider

Setting up a Coaching Business this year - legalities to consider

Is this the year you embrace something new and set up your coaching business? While there’s plenty to consider when setting up a coaching business, the importance of getting in place your processes and legal formalities should not be underestimated. By getting the foundations sorted from the start, your business will be seen as credible. Plus, you’ll ensure you are personally protected should things go wrong.

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How do I get my service business online?

How do I get my service business online?

There are many reasons why moving your bricks and mortar business online could be a positive step. In response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses around the globe had to close their physical doors overnight, with little foresight into when (or how) those doors may reopen.

Whether you’re closing your physical business during this current crisis, as a method for reducing costs and overheads or to scale up, there are opportunities for growth and ease that might not be possible for an offline business. And, moving forward perhaps the best combination is a physical and online business to provide for a safety net if there is another covid-19 spike.

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Remote work becomes a business continuity issue for lawyers
Professional Services business Emma Heuston Professional Services business Emma Heuston

Remote work becomes a business continuity issue for lawyers

“Stay away from the office” is not a remote work strategy, but COVID-19 has made it a business continuity issue for office-based law firms, according to Katherine Thomas of Free Range Lawyers and Emma Heuston of The Remote Expert.

In response to the spread of COVID-19, last week the World Health Organisation advised workplaces to “promote regular teleworking across your organization” and that “teleworking will help your business keep operating while your employees stay safe”.

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