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Collaboration and partnership in business: 7 things to do to avoid a messy ending

Collaboration and partnership in business: 7 things to do to avoid a messy ending

Being in the online and small business world both as a lawyer and a small business owner, I often hear from business owners who wish to collaborate with someone else, but don’t necessarily want to merge their businesses. For example, they might want to hold a joint workshop or retreat, co-host a podcast, write a book together, create a product collaboratively, run an online course together or create a mastermind or masterclass in partnership.

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The common mistakes business owners make when they hire contractors (and what to do instead!)

The common mistakes business owners make when they hire contractors (and what to do instead!)

With different business models and structures comes different forms of hiring. Determining whether you should hire an employee or a contractor is an important step that can come with repercussions should you get it wrong.

If you are unsure whether the person you need is an employee or a contractor, we have covered this in detail in a previous article (Employee or contractor – what’s the difference? And why you could be fined if you don’t do it the right way.) but right now let’s look at contractors.

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The Next Step - Have you considered licensing your method?

The Next Step - Have you considered licensing your method?

Have you found yourself with a waitlist for your services?

Perhaps you train other people within your industry and share your information with them?

Maybe you are asked by the people you train if they can use your resources or teachings with their own clients?

Or they are just using your resources anyway and you don’t have control over it?

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How to run a profitable and successful resume writing business

How to run a profitable and successful resume writing business

As we move further into doing more online, the opportunities available to set yourself up from home with a remote business has never been more timely. A lot of women I come across in the online world consider starting a virtual assistant business, and then when they have been working for a while they consider niching. One popular area that I see people specialise in is resume writing.

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Protect your brand
Service based business Emma Heuston Service based business Emma Heuston

Protect your brand

Hey there online business owner, I see you’ve designed your ideal brand. Your colours are perfect and the logo is just the right “vibe” for your online business. They’re being added to your website as we speak, or maybe your brand already out on the interwebs.

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How do I get my service business online?

How do I get my service business online?

There are many reasons why moving your bricks and mortar business online could be a positive step. In response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses around the globe had to close their physical doors overnight, with little foresight into when (or how) those doors may reopen.

Whether you’re closing your physical business during this current crisis, as a method for reducing costs and overheads or to scale up, there are opportunities for growth and ease that might not be possible for an offline business. And, moving forward perhaps the best combination is a physical and online business to provide for a safety net if there is another covid-19 spike.

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4 Essential Tips on content marketing for small business

4 Essential Tips on content marketing for small business

The phrase ‘content marketing’ has come into the spotlight in a major way in very recent years – but what is it and how would it benefit your small business?

When content marketing for small businesses is done well, it can have the power to:

  • Introduce or reinforce your brand story and messaging

  • Build stronger and more meaningful relationships with your customers

  • Communicate promotions and new marketing activities

  • Build your reputation and authority

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How to hire a virtual assistant

How to hire a virtual assistant

You are up at midnight (again) sending emails. All the coffee in the world isn’t helping keep those tired and bloodshot eyes open. As your head smashes into your keyboard for the third time you think to yourself, “if only I had some help, I could get some sleep and devote more times to my family …….. but I can’t afford it”.

Sound familiar?

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